services at medicine within
Acupuncture: Traditional Japanese acupuncture, auricular acupuncture, electro-acupuncture, musculosketelal/sports specific acupuncture, gua-sha, and cupping to address a wide range of issues.
Facial Rejuvenation and Cosmetic acupuncture: Specific treatment of the body and face using acupuncture needles to address the root cause of wrinkles, skin discoloration, age spots, muscle tone and skin elasticity. Addresses the root cause of aging, targeting muscles, fascia and the flow of blood and Qi. I also incorporate facial cupping and gua sha when indicated. Most people will start to see results in 6-12 sessions done once per week then at which time, they will need maintenance every 4-6 weeks for optimal results. I also offer gua sha and/or cupping without acupuncture.
Microneedling and RF Microneedling: collagen induction therapy using tiny micro-needles to create micro channels on the epidermis/surface layer of the skin. Radiofrequency (‘RF’) adds heat to the treatment which further enhances collagen production and often has a more dramatic effect. These treatments target keratinocytes and fibroblasts, stimulating a healing process that increases production of collagen and elastin. Skin becomes firmer, more even in tone, wrinkles smooth out, and scars reduce over time. This treatment is also excellent for treating hair loss, stretch marks, acne scars and excessive underarm sweating. For optimal results, 4-6 treatments are done with high quality serums once per month. I send you home with a free starter-kit of a serum, calming masque and moisturizer. Full sized serums, moisturizers, eye cream and a full line of skincare products are available for purchase separately. Results last for up to 2 years after which touch-up sessions keep your skin looking its best. I also offer nanoneedling which can be done more more frequently as it is a more superficial treatment.
Medicine Within Skin Care Line: I offer a plant-based, natural, vegan skin care line that you can feel good about putting on your skin. My products deliver superb results and are based on Chinese Medicine principles. They are made fresh in small batches without petroleum-based and other harmful preservatives that are found in many other brands.
Light Therapy: I offer infrared, PEMF, photon therapy, cold laser therapy to treat pain, aid recovery, promote wellbeing, and for cosmetic enhancement. These treatments can be done stand-alone or incorporated into other treatment sessions.
Myofascial Work: myofascial release techniques incorporated into yoga practice for therapeutic purposes with guidance for home self care
Private Yoga: vinyasa, yin, restorative, chair, TRX style, therapeutic, breathwork
Guided Meditation
Group Events and Teacher trainings
To set up your appointment date and time, please find me at Limber, 256 Route 1, Falmouth, 207-899-0727, or click the link below.